The proposed consortium is composed by 4 representatives of academia and 4 representatives of industry. The four universities have complementary skills in different aspects of microbiology and biotechnology.
Partner UAM is oriented towards extremophile microbiology, whereas partner UDC is involved in metagenomics and partner UVIGO in thermozyme production. UCAM contributes to the project with their unique expertise on microfluidics but at the same time all academics partners are experts on enzyme-related topics.
The four representatives of industry have different commercial interests, but also represent different stages in the research-to-market process. Galchimia is interested in biocatalysis as an alternative to conventional chemical production processes and would represent the end-user of the enzyme industry. Biochemize is a services company that links end-users such as chemical companies and enzyme developers in academia. Novozymes is the largest provider of enzyme products and Droptech specializes in technological solutions based on microfluidics for small-molecule screenings, single-cell experiments and diagnostics.